MacBPM is an interactive bpm (beats per minute) counter. Therefore it is probably only usefull for DJs, who want to determine the speed of a music title.
There are two different ways to find out the bpm rate with MacBPM:
BPM Time-Recording (Count BPMs...)
The user has to enter the beats for a certain period of time, while the computer is couting them. During this process, the program permanently determines the actual bpm rate. The stabilization factor, which is expressed as a percentage, shows how much the last few calculated BPM rates differ from each other. The bigger the factor is, the smaller are the differences between the last bpm rates. However the stabilization factor does nothing say about the precision of the bpm rate at all, because only the last five bpm rates, which have been determined by the program, are taken into account for the calculation of this factor.
BPM Beat-Recording (Count BPMs quick...)
In this mode, the user has to enter a certain number of beats. The program calculates the bpm rate using the number of beats and the time, which is used for entering these beats. As in the time-recording mode, for each calculated bpm rate the program determines an own stabilization factor.
In the preferences dialog, the user can select, wether the beats are entered by mouse or by a key. The user can also define the period of time, a time-recording process
takes, or he can enter the number of beats used in a beat-recording session.
The program is distributed as freeware, but use this program at your own risk. I am not responsible for any consequences that may result from the use of this program.
Thanks to Roy Wood for parts of the about-box code. It was taken from a public domain sample program for his TE32K.